On Fri, 2009-02-20 at 17:48 +0100, Bernhard Herzog wrote:
> On 18.02.2009, Sascha Wilde wrote:
> > according to RfC4314 the rights argument to the setacl command might be
> > an empty string ("zero right characters"):
> >
> >     The third argument is a string containing an optional plus ("+") or
> >     minus ("-") prefix, followed by zero or more rights characters.
> >
> > existing clients (horde in particular) actually use this to remove all
> > rights from an user.
> >
> > Currently dovecot 1.2 does not accept an empty rights string as argument
> > to setacl.  Bernhard Herzog will look into this.
> Below is a patch that fixes this.  SETACL with an empty string as rights will 
> be equivalent to DELETEACL with the same identifier.


> While testing this, I noticed two other problems in the imap-acl plugin, both 
> related to negative ACL entries.  If an ACL contains both negative and 
> positive entries for the same identifier, no space is output in the the 
> GETACL response, leading to something like e.g.
> * ACL "INBOX/foo" "someuser" lrs-"someuser" w 


> The second problem is that the "-" is not inside the double quotes.


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