On Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 03:15:17PM -0500, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> > There are no 'cur', 'new' and 'tmp' directories in ~/Maildir, as written 
> > in the wiki, but instead this .INBOX directory which contains these 
> > 'cur', 'new' and 'tmp'.
> > 
> > Is this expected ? Thanks.
> No, it's not expected. And you mean Dovecot actually finds the mails
> from the .INBOX? I don't really see how/why it would with your
> configuration.

Yes, dovecot find the mails in INBOX from ~/Maildir/.INBOX . The deliver 
tool also stores incoming mail in this folder.

If you want, I have strace output of a sample deliver run.


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