Tue, Feb 03, 2009 at 03:29:40PM +0100, Jehan Pag?s wrote:
> Hi,
> I have installed dovecot-antispam and configured it this way (as in the doc)
> [...] 
> But it does not work and really I cannot figure it out for two days, because
> I can find no log wherever, where it writes it does (or try to do)
> something, nor in the dovecot logs, nor in the dspam logs. But I know
> something is happening because when I try to move a spam from my inbox to
> the Junk folder, it fails with an error telling it could not move the email.
> At the opposite, when I deactivate the antispam plugin, I can move normally
> the emails.
> So what could I do to fix my issue or at least diagnose it (where would I
> find logs of what is happening?)?
did you get 'Failed to call dspam' [1]  or 'Antispam signature not
found' [2] error? The second should not appear for dovecot >=1.1.7 (thanks Timo!
I was getting [1] - don't know why this error shows, cause my log
said, that dspam was already called with correct parameters

I had to patch dovecot-antispam sources to make it work.
Apply the following patch and compile dovecot-antispam again:
--- dspam-exec.c.orig   2008-11-11 16:02:20.000000000 +0100
+++ dspam-exec.c        2008-11-11 16:02:30.000000000 +0100
@@ -178,13 +178,14 @@
        int ret = 0;

        while (item) {
-               if (call_dspam(item->sig, item->wanted)) {
+       /*      if (call_dspam(item->sig, item->wanted)) {
                        ret = -1;
                                               "Failed to call dspam");
-               }
+               } */
+               call_dspam(item->sig, item->wanted);
                item = item->next;

It works for me now (dovecot-1.1.10, dovecot-antispam-1.1, FreeBSD
Current) with this entries in dovecot.conf:
antispam_dspam_binary = "/usr/local/bin/dspam"
antispam_dspam_args = --source=error
antispam_dspam_args = --user=%u

Hope it helps.


Marcin Rzepecki

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