Words by Stephan Bosch [Mon, Feb 02, 2009 at 07:40:06PM +0100]:
> Timo Sirainen schreef:
>> On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 19:14 +0100, Stephan Bosch wrote:
>>>> 1) vacation addresses are compared case-sensitivly, e.g.:
>>>> vacation :addresses [ "steffen.kai...@example.com" ] "";
>>>> it won't match "steffen.kai...@...".
>>> Hmm, not sure whether I should change this in general. For the domain  
>>> part, yes, it is definitely a bug if it compares case-sensitively.  
>>> However, to my knowledge, the local part of rfc822 addresses is 
>>> usually considered case-sensitive. I'll give this a look tonight.
>>> I could of make the case-sensitivity of local parts configurable. 
>>> Timo, any ideas on this?
>> I think I agree with Mark Crispin:
>> http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/pipermail/imap-uw/2008-September/002190.html
> Hehehe ok, let's not deviate from consensus then :)
And it would be a PITA to configure that case sensitive.

Jose Celestino | http://japc.uncovering.org/files/japc-pgpkey.asc
"One man’s theology is another man’s belly laugh." -- Robert A. Heinlein

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