Dear all,

Thank you very much for your time and your big help.
I really appreciated all of you.

Best Regards,

Masaharu Kawada

Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Fri, 2009-01-23 at 15:17 +0900, Masaharu Kawada wrote:
Any idea what Dovecot version? rhel4 had 1.0.rc15 I think? I know there
were some LDAP bugs in it, but I don't really remember anymore. Did
Dovecot really try to access the server2, or was it simply unable to
reconnect to the LDAP server at all? If the latter, it's probably just rc15 bug.
Since the customer has been using RHEL4.3, Dovecot version should be
something in between dovecot-0.99.11-2.EL4.1 and 0.99.11-9.EL4. These
are all for RHEL4. I'm sorry that I have not been provided the version.
Like Charles said, from my point of view v0.99 is dead and buried. It's
simply too old version to waste any time on its bugs.

1. About the specification of dovecot for reconnection

In case Dovecot switch to server2 due to server1 gets some problems
such as service down, does the server2 never reconnect to the server1
even the server1 become available to respond again? Even if so,
is it sure that if the server2 is down, then does Dovecot normally try to
connect to the server1?
All of this is handled by OpenLDAP library internally and I don't know
how it works. But my GUESS is that it always simply connects to the
first working server and never disconnects from it by itself.

2. Configuration by 'hosts' and 'uris' parameter in dovecot-ldap.conf

Is there any differences for the way to reconnectionÅ›  behavior between
those parameter? I believe that both parameter can specify sevral ldap
server, then I would like to know whether each parameter does the action
for reconnection in the same way.
Again this is handled by OpenLDAP internally. And again my GUESS is that
there's no difference between their reconnection handling.

Masaharu Kawada
Associate Global Support Engineer
Red Hat K K
Ebisu Neonato 8F
1-18 Ebisu 4-chome, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150-0013, Japan
Direct: +81-3-5798-8482

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