On Thu, 2009-01-15 at 17:10 +0100, Durk Strooisma wrote:
> Hi Timo,
> > Not possible currently.
> Okay.
> > Hmm. I don't want to add a new setting for this, but some existing one
> > could be updated/replaced.. Perhaps ssl_disable=required? Although that
> > sounds weird. Maybe deprecate that setting and have
> > ssl=yes/no/required.
> The setting "ssl" sounds fine. In case you're going to implement this
> feature, for which release would that be?
It's a configuration change, so won't be added to v1.1 tree anymore. But
I just added it to v1.2, so it'll be in v1.2.beta1 which will hopefully
be released in a few days.

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