Hi again,

sorry for asking my last stupid programming question, but I think, that was a 
kind of "programmer's blindness"... ;-)

I did not see, that I have forgotten to assign the function call t_new_str(256) 
to the variable "*response" - that's all.

Best regards

On Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 02:20:39PM +0100, Stefan Jurisch wrote:
> Hi together,
> I am new to this list and new to dovecot itself. I have to write a plugin 
> that implements some ACL-voodoo to be used instead of the standard ACL stuff 
> of dovecot (it shall allow just application-driven folder-sharing - no more, 
> no less).
> Though I started programming with C, my last experiences are some days old, 
> but now I have written the function sekeletons and the registration function 
> with the 'register-command"-calls etc.


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