On Sun, 2008-12-07 at 20:21 +0300, Dmitri V. Ivanov wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 05, 2008 at 09:17:58PM +0200, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> > Like Matt said, this is a Postfix configuration issue. You'll have to
> > configure Postfix to figure out what users exist.
> One question. Postfix has TCP lookup table type with a very simple
> protocol: (get|put) "space" "key" "newline".

Also I think there was some user lookup protocol that originated from
Sendmail. Dovecot should support that some day..

> But there is a question: how would act dovecot with much lookups with
> nonexistant users (there is no big problem to write some stupid
> connector)?

Shouldn't be a problem.

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