Marcin Rzepecki wrote:
When i try to move message to SPAM folder (using dspam-exec backend) i'm
getting IMAP error: antispam signature not found and in dovecot logs:
Nov 23 23:44:24 freebsd dovecot: IMAP(mr): Next message unexpectedly
lost from 2708619

HMMM. Same here. DC 1.1.5 with mbox.
Using mail backend gives this error too(only IMAP error changes: failed
to read mail beggining).
Oops, and I tried half of last night to get the mail backend working ...
Commenting out following code in mbox_read_from_line function (in
src/lib-storage/index/mbox/istream-raw-mbox.c) helped and plugin was
working correctly, but only with Dovecot <=1.1.3.

if (stream->istream.v_offset -
    rstream->hdr_offset + new_pos > rstream->mail_size) {
        /* istream_raw_mbox_set_next_offset() used invalid
           cached next_offset? */
        i_error("Next message unexpectedly lost from %"PRIuUOFF_T,
                rstream->hdr_offset + rstream->mail_size);
        rstream->eof = TRUE;
        rstream->corrupted = TRUE;
        rstream->istream.istream.stream_errno = EINVAL;
        stream->pos = 0;
        return -1;

So that's code from dovecot itself. If that really helped (did you check that the messages really were trained by dspam?) there is some problem between the antispam plugin and the main code. But I think the part you commented out is only the end of the story. Can it be that there is some counting problem when the plugin looks for the inserted message? Timo?
Now, with versions >1.1.3 this won't helps and plugin fails.
Duh, at leas I could downgrade to 1.1.3 and get it working - probably a bad idea though.


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