Eugene wrote (somte time ago, I am just now recollecting my threads):
Jakob Curdes wrote
Some weeks ago I asked a question on the antispam plugin; obviously
nobody could help me. I just worked on it again but made no progress.
Is actually anybody out there running the antispam plugin with dspam?? I
am willing to write a Wiki page for configuring this as soon as I get it
to work.
- as soon as I move a message into the spam folder it gives an error
message saying "antispam signature not found"

Just had this error myself. In my case, the cause was a large spam message (above the configured MaxMessageSize parameter for DSPAM) that was skipped during tests and thus no signature was added. Might this be true in your case?
Might be for some messages as I just detected that some messages have a signature and others don't. BUT I also cannot move messages into spam that carry a signature. When I feed the message corpus on the command line it works, but not via the antispam plugin.

X-DSPAM-Signature: 1,49084a24139132188715614

Another guess: if that comma is not a misprint, something is wrong in your setup.
Why? Mine all look like that; are the signatures configurable somewhere in dspam?


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