On Tue, 2008-11-11 at 12:52 -0500, Allen Belletti wrote:
> I'm not sure if this is something which crept into a recent release of 
> Dovecot, or a problem with T'bird, or something else entirely.  I had 
> suspected corrupt messages the first time or two, and was once able to 
> copy such a message into my own "Maildir/cur" directory and have it fail 
> for me.  Since then I've not been able to replicate this feat.  I also 
> thought that it might have been the Dovecot indices becoming corrupt but 
> today I tried purging them for an affected user, and the problem still 
> showed up.  In addition, for the first time today that user reported a 
> message which originally (as of 6 Nov. 2008) worked fine but today 
> demonstrates the issue.

If there's a problem with indexes, Dovecot most likely would have logged
an error message. Do you see any errors logged?

> If anyone has seen anything like this or has suggestions to try, please 
> let me know.  If necessary I can go to full debug-logging with Dovecot 
> but I'd prefer to avoid that if possible :)

Knowing what Thunderbird and Dovecot talk to each others would be pretty
much the only way to know what's going on.
http://wiki.dovecot.org/Debugging/Rawlog would help.

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