Hi Stephan,
I've tried dovecot-sieve cmusieve with at the same place.
As I can see, both problems I've though to be in libsieve, actually
are that of dovecot.
Both plugins do not expand variables like %n, %h, %u.
But just filename works, - if I've set
sieve = sievescript
then both have used ~/sievescript file, like:
deliver(seriv): Oct 29 20:14:08 Info: sieve: using sieve path:
deliver(seriv): Oct 29 20:14:08 Info: sieve: opening script
deliver(seriv): Oct 29 20:14:08 Info: sieve: executing compiled script
Buth implementations don't work wihth slashes. I took a piece of sieve
script from working installation of dovecot-1.1.2 with Maildirs, and
here on dovecot-1.2-alpha3 I have default mail location with inbox as
mbox in /var/spool/log/mail/<user> and Maildir in

I should test cmusieve before reporting these as libsieve bugs, I'm sorry.

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