On Sun, 2008-10-26 at 20:56 +0200, Arkadiusz Miskiewicz wrote:
> On Sunday 26 of October 2008, Heiko Schlichting wrote:
> > Brandon,
> >
> > > I did modify exim to add the W=size but it also required use_crlf and
> > > that seemed to break something else.
> >
> > You can configure Exim to write ,W=vsize even without use_crlf. Configuring
> >
> >     {,S=$message_size,W=${eval:$message_size + $message_linecount + 3}}
> >
> > within maildir_tag setting of exim works especially well for me.
> Hm, does it count correctly?
I'm also wondering that.

> I have mails delivered via exim with this rule:
> new/1225046769.H367740P9241.mbox2.agnat.pl,S=1377,W=1413
> cat new/1225046769.H367740P9241.mbox2.agnat.pl,S=1377,W=1413 | wc -l
> 37
> so 1377 + 37 + 3 = 1417 which doesn't match 1413.

But this doesn't seem correct either. File size + linecount should be
the same as W. Is the file size really 1377 bytes?

For example a file that Dovecot has created:

% wc -cl 1224418671.M66880P13668.hurina,W=2087
  56 2031 1224418671.M66880P13668.hurina,W=2087
% echo 2031+56|bc

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