On Sat, 2008-10-25 at 20:38 +0200, Lars Noschinski wrote:

> Thanks! I was just looking at the repository, while you were committing
> these fixes ;) But these fixes uncovered another bug. I can SELECT now,
> but FETCH fails:


> Thanks. This works now, with a minor glitch. The directory backing the
> "mbox" namespace looks like this:
>      Archiv/list1
>      Archiv/list2
>      foo1
>      foo2
> As "Archiv" is a directory, it is not selectable (of course). Using the
> above dovecot-virtual file, I get "NO Mailbox isn't selectable: Archiv"
> if I try to select the virtual mbox.


> This message does not occur, if use "*" instead of "mbox/*" as mailbox
> pattern.

Yes, because "*" matches only your maildirs and you don't have
non-selectable maildirs. I added a note about this
one-namespace-only-per-wildcard to

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