Timo Sirainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> All of this forces that the checkpassword script developer either
> handles the AUTHORIZED environment correctly or it doesn't work at
> all. And it prevents admin from accidentally using the script wrong.

Ok, you convinced me that your concept has the advantage of forcing the
checkpassword script author to try to implement all aspects of the

I'll implement it this way, as it isn't hard to do anyway.

But I have to say, that I'm not really sure about the merits of trying
to force other developers to do the right thing like this.  The
developer can still change the environment only when AUTHORIZED is set
(why would he do something like that you ask?  Maybe he did just copy
and paste from a combined passdb and userdb checkpassword), the admin
writing his own broken userdb checkpassword script still can use it for
passdb, it only won't work for userdb (he will use prefetch until he
finds the bug...).  After all, nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently
talented fool.  ;-)

Sascha Wilde                                          OpenPGP key: 4BB86568
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