On Oct 15, 2008, at 11:19 PM, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:

Can I have a master users list for each virtual domain? I'm not sure from what I read on the page:

Not really. There are two possibilities that I can think of:

a) Use passdb checkpassword and verify that the master user ($MASTER_USER environment) is valid for the current username.

b) Let the user log in and change mail_executable to be a script that does the same check as a). This is potentially dangerous, since it works only for imap/pop3 process, not necessarily for others that may come in future or e.g. SMTP AUTH..

 passdb passwd-file {
    args = /var/mail/vhosts/%d/passwd.masterusers
    master = yes
    pass = yes

This allows you to list [EMAIL PROTECTED] users in separate files, but each user can still authenticate as anyone from any domain.

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