On Oct 15, 2008, at 5:57 PM, Sascha Wilde wrote:

#1 0x0806ab6c in command_unregister (name=0x815b9ab "LOGOUT") at commands.c:83
83                      if (strcasecmp(cmd[i].name, name) == 0) {
(gdb) p cmd[i]
$1 = {name = 0xb7e65ce7 <Address 0xb7e65ce7 out of bounds>, func = 0xb7e6432d, flags = 0}

For some reasons this does _not_ happen when I simply close the
connection (without explicitly logging out)...

Your plugin isn't probably unregistering some command it registered and the plugin is unloaded before commands_deinit() is called.

valgrind might also show something.

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