>>   Oct  8 13:56:40 alcor dovecot: Panic: imap[15143] USER4,  
>> NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN: file index-mail.c: line 1091 (index_mail_close):  
>> assertion failed: (!mail->data.destroying_stream)
>Hmm. I think I thought of a different assert before when commenting.  
>This assert should be fixed by 1.1.4 / this patch: 

Great!  Thank you.

>>>>  - this doesn't happen often, but once in a while we see assertion
>>>>    failures at line 163 of src/pop3-login/client-authenticate.c or
>>>>    line 200 of src/imap-login/client-authenticate.c
>I'll try to look into this soon.

Much appreciated!


     - Steven
Steven Winikoff                |
Concordia University           | "Reality is what refuses to go away
Montreal, QC, Canada           |  when I stop believing in it."
http://alcor.concordia.ca/~smw |                        - Philip K. Dick

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