>>>>> Steinar Bang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > I can see one issue with it, when using rsync to back up the mailboxes > to a different machine: > since the file names of the articles change when they are read, and when > the state changes, rsync may ending up transferring the same article > more than once (unless it has some clever checksumming to recognize > files that may be the same when the name has changed), but in practice I > don't think that will be much of a problem.
I googled for rsync and maildir, and found this: http://www.nabble.com/Rsync-snapshots,-Maildir,-and-Sarbanes-Oxley-td11914169s24859.html It mentions using the --fuzzy flag. From the rsync man page: -y, --fuzzy This option tells rsync that it should look for a basis file for any destination file that is missing. The current algorithm looks in the same directory as the destination file for either a file that has an identical size and modified-time, or a simi‐ larly-named file. If found, rsync uses the fuzzy basis file to try to speed up the transfer. Note that the use of the --delete option might get rid of any potential fuzzy-match files, so either use --delete-after or specify some filename exclusions if you need to prevent this. (and a note to myself on the last bit: I'm currently using --archive --delete, so that's something to look out for. I guess that my new arguments will be --archive --fuzzy --delete-after)