On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 22:19 +0200, Igor Colombi wrote:
> Timo Sirainen wrote:
> > On Oct 7, 2008, at 9:57 PM, Igor Colombi wrote:
> >
> >> Hello, I have some trouble with the current setup (it's a testing 
> >> environment):
> >>
> >> 2 server with Dovecot 1.1.4 from source (OS Debian testing 2.6.26) 
> >> (name: "exim" and "exim2")
> >> 1 NFS server (OS Debian testing 2.6.26)
> >>
> >> I use NFS v.4, indexes shared over NFS. The relavant part of Dovecot 
> >> configuration:
> >
> > Or probably also running imaptest (http://imapwiki.org/ImapTest) on 
> > both machines? Could you run http://www.dovecot.org/tools/nfstest.c 
> > and tell me what it outputs?
> >
> Hello, this is the output of nftest on exim2 (client) vs exim (the other 
> client)
> ./nfstest 50 /mnt/nfs1/pippo/pluto

That looks correct. So either something's changed in Dovecot since I
last tested it with NFS, or something's changed in Linux kernel. Or
there's something else weird going on.

I don't really have any good suggestions for solutions and I don't
really have time to debug NFS problems right now.. Or you could of
course always try if disabling NFS attribute cache fixes things, but
that'll most likely also make your performance a lot worse.

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