On Sep 19, 2008, at 10:26 AM, Timo Sirainen wrote:

On Sep 19, 2008, at 6:05 PM, John Lightsey wrote:

The problem is the file glob on line 344 in convert_subscriptions()

# read updates from the directory
my %updates;
foreach (<$keyword_dir/*>) {

This isn't going to pick up any files beginning with a dot, so most of the update files in the courierimapkeywords directory are going to be skipped.

Any suggestions how to best fix it? My Perl knowledge isn't too good.

opendir/readdir/closedir... Personally I avoid file globs in Perl whenever possible because of the tricks and limitations involved with them. For instance, if the glob expands to more than GLOB_LIMIT files what is going to happen? opendir/readdir/closedir has very predictable behavior.

Actually since we're talking about that, scan_maildir() is very likely to hit the glob limit. It should also be switched to readdir. The maildir files update loop in convert_subscriptions() as well.

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