On Wed, 2008-09-03 at 15:49 -0500, Brian Hayden wrote:
> Recently I posted about wanting to add an x-header recording a timestamp 
> for changing the \Deleted flag, for purposes of doing expiry on mbox 
> mailboxes. Timo replied:
> > Be sure to add it to mbox_hide_headers[] and mbox_save_drop_headers[]
> > arrays in mbox-storage.c and hope that it doesn't exist in any of your 
> > existing mails. :) Other than that there shouldn't be problems.
> I looked at the two places where X-Status was being written--mbox-save.c 
> and mbox-sync-update.c--and tried adding this header. It didn't work. To 
> test my sanity, I changed the string 'X-Status' in each of these to 
> something else.
> The mbox file still ended up with 'X-Status' written in it, and I can't for 
> the life of me find any other code that might write that string. Timo? 
> Anyone?

mbox-save.c and mbox-sync-update.c are the only places where X-Status:
header is written to by Dovecot. Some guesses:

a) You didn't compile/install correctly. Maybe the binary went to wrong

b) Something else besides Dovecot is writing those X-Status lines

Put i_warning("hello world"); there to find out if it ever gets there.

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