On Thu, 2008-09-11 at 20:45 +0200, Jan van den Berg wrote:
> Im still trying to figure this problem. Because of other issues (non-dovecot 
> related but application related) we had to revert back yesterday to 1.1rc3. 
> This version has been running fine for 6 months.
> But now I get quite a few of these errors in my logs I can't really explain 
> them:
> Log synchronization error at seq=2,offset=164 for 
> /var/spool/mail/j/a/jan.vandenberg.isp/.Sentbox/dovecot.index: ext reset: 
> invalid record size
It's seeing records in dovecot.index.log written by 1.1.3 that it
doesn't really understand. They should shrink over time. Or you could
delete dovecot.index* files and let them be rebuilt.

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