
since I've numerous reports of segfaults/crashes/corruptions with Dovecot
1.1.3 with Sieve, I'd like to ask - is 1.1.3 an improvement over 1.1.2 or
are there some acknowledged regressions and 1.1.4 is planned to fix that?

I'd love to avoid figuring this on a live setup and hope to exploit other
admins' courage ;P

Tomasz Krzysztof Jarzynka  /  mob. +48 601 706 601  / HANDLE: TJ950-RIPE
Network Information Systems Administrator / tomee(at)genesilico(d-o-t)pl
Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Protein Engineering | www.genesilico.pl
International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology | www.iimcb.gov.pl

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