Maybe what you have to is remove the dovecot's lock file after the
migration is complete, as after the exchange is complete.


2008/8/28 Thiago Monaco Papageorgiou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ok, but we must lock the mailbox because we often move groups of mailbox
> from a file system to another. While the mailboxes are being moved, our LDA
> shouldn't delivery a new message at the old mailbox, and isn't able to
> delivery at the new one. The mailbox is unlocked after the exchange of the
> file system , if the dovecot locks the index files and then the mailbox
> exchanges of file system, what will unlock the index files of the dovecot?
> The dovecot process that perform the lock, will unlock the old index files.
> This old index files will be erased as well as the whole old mailbox, the
> new mailbox, that was moved to an another file system, will remains locked.
> We have almost 10M of mailboxes, if the chance that it happens is something
> like 1/1M, it will happens 10 times per day!
> mouss wrote:
>> Thiago Monaco Papageorgiou wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> I need to use my lock method into the dovecot to block a mailbox. I am
>>> using maildir format, is there an API that I can implement? I need it
>>> because there are others systems which already use my lock method.
>> why would you lock in a maildir? maildir was designed to avoid locks. do
>> you have an external app that "plays" with mail files? in a maildir, it may
>> be as easy as:
>> # mkdir mydir
>> # mv cur/$filename mydir/
>> # do what you want in mydir/
>> Esta mensagem foi verificada pelo E-mail Protegido Terra.
>> Atualizado em 31/12/1969
> --
> Thiago Monaco Papageorgiou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ________________________
> Terra Networks Brasil S/A Tel: +55 (51) 3284-4274

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