On Thu, 2008-08-21 at 19:58 +0200, naslov naslov wrote:
> Hello.
> I upgraded from RHRL4 to RHEL5 and my dovecot version changed from
> dovecot-0.99.11-8.EL4  to dovecot-1.0.7-2.el5.
> I also transferred all /home directories of users. The problem is that users
> have POP3 mail client set that it leaves mail on mailserver for 30 days.
> When they try to download messages from new server, client (Thinderbird)
> want to download all messages for those 30 days (he of course already has
> all those messages..). I suspect UID POP3 database index file format has
> changed..

Yes, this was mentioned in the upgrade document:

> How to "convert" dovecot 0.99 POP3 UID files to those used in newer version
> or how to go around that?

If you change it again, those who already redownloaded the messages will
have to download them yet again..

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