On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 04:37:11PM -0400, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> One thing that would be nice, that pretty much no webmail does, is to
> keep a stateful connection open all the time (or at least some of the
> time) instead of creating tons of short-lived connections that ask the
> same stuff over and over again. With a stateful connection you could
> basically run IDLE and wait for changes there instead of asking all  the
> time "is there new mail?" "is there new mail now?" "what about  now?".

AlphaMail has this: http://alphamail.sourceforge.net/

It's a webmail written in Perl that uses a C++ "middleware" which keeps a
persistent connection to the backend IMAP server.

But I'm afraid the project is dead...


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