On Aug 5, 2008, at 1:05 PM, Eric Toczek wrote:

Dino Ming wrote:
Dear Eric,

I've enabled the mysql query log, and there does not have any query
when I deleting or moving message.
So, I'm wondering is it have some compile time flag to enable this
perhaps ?

Hmm.. shouldn't be any flags needed besides --with-mysql and --with- sql.

I wonder if it has to do with the namespace. Try changing
expire: Trash 2
expire: INBOX.Trash 2

I'm not sure how (if) namespaces effect the expire plugin. Timo may be
able to shed more light.

Does anyone have expire working with namespaces tha have a prefix? Looking at the code it looks like the expire plugin ignores the namespace prefix but expire-tool requires it, so it probably won't work.. I guess I'll have to test it myself.

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