> Any idea how other servers do this? 

Cyrus at least give

    * LIST (\Noinferiors) "/" "INBOX"

but also uses \HasNoChildren for all other folders with read permission
only. I noticed the difference between Cyrus and dovecot for INBOX.

> I don't think \Noinferiors would be
> correct, because:
> ???
> > \Noinferiors
> >          It is not possible for any child levels of hierarchy to exist
> >          under this name; no child levels exist now and none can be
> >          created in the future.
> Surely it's possible to create mailboxes and it can have child mailboxes
> in future. It's just that the logged in user doesn't currently have
> permissions to create such mailbox.

Unfortunately "in the future" is not very exact. Administrative operations
like changing ACL or even use a different IMAP server software could never
be eliminated.

But no create permission in ACL could mean 

- "you are not allowed to create a subfolder, but others are" -> \NoChildren


- "nobody is allowed to create subfolders" -> \Noinferiors
  (with administrative changes like changing ACLs excluded here)

I don't know if it is possible to differentiate between these two cases
within ACL plugin at this time.


Heiko Schlichting          Freie Universität Berlin
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         Zentraleinrichtung für Datenverarbeitung (ZEDAT)
Telefon +49 30 838-54327   Fabeckstraße 32
Telefax +49 30 838454327   14195 Berlin

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