Hi all, I've read this not on the v1.1.2 release candidate announce:
> If you haven't received an answer to your question, resend it. So, I've sent this message some days ago and I've got no answer (that's fine, no problem). So, I'm posting my question again: I've set up some shared folders and I'm controlling the access to them with the ACL plugin. As far as I know, ACL rules are not applied to sub-folders, right? So, when a user adds a new sub-folder, I need to add a dovecot-acl file granting read permissions to others users, right? Does exists any way to implement it using some dovecot feature? Or must I find my way? Just to be sure :) Thank you in advance. -- Imobach González Sosa Banot.net http://www.banot.net/