I apologize if this has already been answered. I looked for an identical
message but had no luck. I'm also not convinced this is a bug or if it
is a bug that I want it fixed. The problem gives me a great reason to
change our configuration to something more modern.
Here is the situation. Our 1.0.7 configuration has the following, and
only, namespace definition.
namespace private {
separator = .
prefix = Mail.
inbox = yes
This configuration was implemented years ago in order to simplify the
upgrade from mail spool to IMAP for people who use mutt and pine.
The interesting part is that after upgrading to 1.1.1, the INBOX would
disappear from Thunderbird after clicking on a different folder. Now
mutt worked just fine, which was even worse. Changing the configuration
so that the INBOX appeared on Thunderbird caused the INBOX to disappear
(or be unreachable) on mutt. After trying multiple configurations with
every permutation, and making several wall dents with my forehead, I
finally found this configuration.
namespace private {
separator = .
prefix = INBOX.
inbox = yes
hidden = no
list = yes
namespace private {
separator = .
prefix = Mail.
hidden = yes
list = no
For the most part, this works just fine. INBOX appears for every client
I've tested and the migration is largely transparent. The only time I
found issues is when the Trash, Sent, etc. folders were manually
specified in a GUI client such as Thunderbird.
Still the real question remains. Is this supposed to happen? If so, what
are some of the reasons?
Naturally my management would prefer that the original configuration
works the same so that things are transparent. Personally, the second
configuration feels better to me especially on a going forward basis.
Thanks in advance for any answers or hints.
Jack Stewart