I don't think Outlook or OE has the capability to store its "work folders"
of its local mailroot. AFAIR you have to write message rules to move it.
OE does. In the server configuration options you can select to save Drafts,
Sent Items, and Deleted Items on the server. It then lets you select which
folders for each of those settings.
Yeah - I have always thought that OE was one of the best IMAP clients
around for dialup... (going to take heat on this...). Bear in mind it
hasn't been updated since around 2001 (vista WM aside), it had decent
offline sync, headers-only sync, download only when you click on the
message. Thunderbird took ages to add most of these features. OE is
still better for *dialup* users in my opinion because it has a better
dialog showing what it's doing with hangup-the-phone-once-finished
support. Thunderbird and Outlook both kind of twiddle around in the
background and kind of assume that you are online permanently and
disconnecting is not an issue...
Still, I use always on links, or worst case GPRS much more now so I
don't care, but I have a lot of users still on dialup links (expensive
ones), so OE still works better for that
Thunderbird is also appalling with attachments, downloading the whole
message once so that you can read the few KB of text, then downloading
the whole message AGAIN when you open up the attachment... Durr.
If thunderbird has some plugins to do autohangup of a dialup link then
I'm interested to hear?
Ed W