I use deliver with an auth socket
I have 2 namespaces (which isn't relevant here, but anyway)
namespace private {
separator = /
prefix =
location = maildir:/var/spool/mail/%1n/%2n/%n
inbox = YES
#hidden = yes
namespace private {
separator = /
prefix = mail/
location = mbox:/home/%1n/%n/mail
inbox = no
hidden = no
if I remove the namespace declarations, everything works
I read following
v1.0 namespaces and fileinto
Dovecot v1.0's deliver doesn't support namespaces, so if you have a
namespace prefix configured for IMAP, you must not use it with fileinto
command. This also means that delivering mails to multiple namespaces
isn't possible.
v1.1's deliver supports namespaces and the namespace prefixes must be
used with fileinto commands.
I assumed deliver 1.1 supported namespaces completely, looks like it
isn't or am I missing somthing?
kind regards