Hi, > via telnet probably also points toward it being a > TBird configuration issue. Yup, finally tracked that down! http://www.crazysquirrel.com/computing/general/thunderbird-imap-new-folder.jspx The "Sent" folder and missing folders added via telnet problem has been resolved. For the future, noobs please note: If you click on "Sent" in TBird and get: "The current command did not succeed. The mail server responded: Mailbox doesn't exist: Sent." then you got to add the folder manually via telnet:
telnet server 143 x login username pass x create Sent logout And THEN SUBSCRIBE to that via File->Subscribe. I'll try that patch to automate folder creation (thanks!). I'll also check in TBird's cfg file - perhaps something there needs enabling, so mebbe I won't need to patch. I'm now running 1.0.14 but I'll compile the latest dovecot when I create a install package. Also got Getmail to work with minimal hassle (need to still figure out how to maintain the GMail label structure on my local IMAP) Phew! Thanks!!