On Jun 6, 2008, at 1:21 AM, Juan Asensio Sánchez wrote:

What flags should i then use? I have tried with "-g3 -O0" and only
with "-O0" but i do not get any additional info.

The problem with your backtrace is that:

#0  mail_get_physical_size (mail=0x8135db8, size_r=0x0) at mail.c:100

 - size_r should never be NULL here.
 -  mail is set here, but

#1 0xb7e575c5 in quota_check (t=0x8135db8, mail=0x0) at quota- storage.c:148
      qt = (struct quota_transaction_context *) 0x0
      ret = <value optimized out>
      too_large = 8

- mail is NULL here. So is it really set or isn't it set? This inconsistency probably gets fixed by not using -O2.
 - ret = <value optimized out> is also caused by -O2

# export CFLAGS="-g3 -O0"

I don't know if this is supposed to work when compiling debian packages. If it doesn't get rid of the <value optimized out>, then I guess it's not being used.

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