I did (re-)compile dovecot (1.1rc8) today, with managesieve (0.10.2) and
sieve-plugin (1.1.5).
I did modify the existing dovecot-devel port, adding managesieve patch
as an OPTION, and I added a 'dovecot-managesieve-devel' port, and a
'dovecot-sieve-devel' one to be complete...

Not sure everything is very complete, but at least it works for me=E2=84=A2=
, and
if it can help anybody to save some time... The tree ports are there:

Not sure I used the very good way of building FreeBSD ports...


        /     Geoffroy DESVERNAY       |                            \
       /\        `Service info`        | Tel: (+33|0)4 91 05 45 24  /\
       \/ Ecole Centrale de Marseille  | Fax: (+33|0)4 91 05 45 98  \/
        \         (ex-EGIM)            | Mail: dgeo ec-marseille.fr /

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