On May 15, 2008, at 5:07 PM, Evaggelos Balaskas wrote:

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Timo thanks again,
allow_nets worked perfectly
INDEX and CONTROL are now with delimiter :

here is my log :

dovecot: May 15 17:01:44 Info: auth(default): master out: USER  3
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       home=/var/mail/ uid=1108        gid=8
mail=maildir:/var/mail/ebalaskas.gr/ebal:INDEX=/var/mail/.index/ ebalaskas.gr/ebal:CONTROL=/var/mail/.control/ebalaskas.gr/ebal

but there is not index nor control folder created under /var/mail

What do the logs show with mail_debug=yes?

Or one guess: did you explicitly specify a location inside namespace { .. }? "mail" and mail_location is used only if namespace location isn't set.

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