On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 11:13:39AM +0400, Eugene wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to suggest a change in handling of 'Time moved backwards' 
> problem.
> Right now dovecot just dies. So, the scenario:
> 1) Colocation server is shut down for some reason. The internal time drifts.
> 2) Server is started again.
> 3) Dovecot starts successfully.
> 4) In about a minute, NTP daemon feels confident about adjusting the system 
> time.
> 5) Dovecot sees the changed time and dies.
> 6) Admin has to notice that, login and restart Dovecot manually.

The admin should run ntpdate before launching ntpd and dovecot.  ntpd
will _never_ move time backwards under normal drifting conditions (it
has other ways of coping with that).

"See the look on my face from staying too long in one place
[...] every time the morning breaks I know I'm closer to falling"
KT Tunstall, Saving My Face, Drastic Fantastic, 2007.

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