On Fri, 22 Feb 2008, Timo Sirainen wrote:

On Feb 22, 2008, at 8:23 AM, Gerhard Wiesinger wrote:

Hello Timo!

Looks like that mbox index handling still doesn't work with deliver:
1.) 1s mail delivered: Only dovecot.index.log is generated.

This is correct. dovecot.index doesn't need to be created/updated always, and dovecot.index.cache isn't created because there's nothing that's known wanted to be cached.

Hmmm. But shouldn't this be a feature of 1.1 that deliver updates indexes at deliver time? (maybe you can choose the typical indexes the clients use).

2.) Delivering several mails (e.g. 20x50MB=1GB) and opening with dovecot 1.0: Still slow. (after 2 times 1 time opened with dovecot 1.0 to generate indexes).

What do you mean by "open"? If you open it with an IMAP client it probably fetches a lot of data and Dovecot needs to parse the messages for that. deliver doesn't pre-cache anything it doesn't know a client wants, so this is slow for the first messages. But if you do for example:

Yes, open means opening with an imap client, especially with alpine 1.00.

1. deliver the first mail
2. open the mailbox
3. deliver lots of large mails
4. open the mailbox again

It should be fast. (and I just tested - it is)

Yes, that's exactly the testcase I use. But here it is slow (opening is always done with doevecot 1.0.latest/alpine 1.00 and deliver is done with 1.1.rc1). I use large files to see a time I see on the first look on opening.

Files written should be larger than RAM available to avoid disk caching.

BTW: Is the index of 1.1 and 1.0 compatible?

They should be, but if you still have problems with it being slow, maybe there's a small incompatibility.




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