Gunter Ohrner said the following on 19/01/08 16:51:

That's why I suggested to use ntpdate to force the correct time to be set before ntpd even starts and the ntp init script returns. Admittedly, this won't work if you have no network connectivity during boot up, but if you have, this paticular problem is most likely solved.

I don't remember if there already is an ntpdat on that particular machine, but many ntpd startup script have an ntpdate entry. I'll check.

But I don't think that this is the point.

According to Dovecot Wiki, "If all else fails, you can just go and remove the error checking code from src/lib/ioloop.c. It's unlikely that anything will break badly, but you might get some errors logged once in a while."

On one hand we have Dovecot that kill itself until someone kicks it back on, on the other hand we have just some errors on the logfile.

Well, IMHO at least there could be a configuration parameter that allows me to choose between a service that kills itself and some errors on a logfile and maybe a temporary service failure.

Each SysAdmin could weight the consequences and choose the option he/she thinks is more appropriate to his/her server.


+--[Luigi Rosa]--

Success is 99% failure.
    --Soichiro Honda

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