On Wed, 2008-01-02 at 08:32 +0100, Jorge Salamero Sanz wrote:
> hi there,
> what are exactly the differences between
> auth_worker_max_count = 30

Auth workers are used for "blocking lookups". With v1.0 that's mainly
happening with MySQL. So the main dovecot-auth handles the
authentication mechanism part and only does these passdb and userdb
lookups to auth workers.

> auth default {
>   count = 1
> }

Login processes connect to these main auth processes. If there are more
than one, whichever happens to catch the connection first handles it.

I don't think there's usually need for more than one main auth process,
unless you're handling thousands of connections per second (and even
then only up the the number of CPUs on the system). The number of needed
auth workers depends on how slow the lookups are.

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