On Mon, 31 Dec 2007 08:12:24 -0800
snowcrash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi frank,
> > Yes, that's true. But I had never problems to test new versions
> > with a modified port. I copied the port files to a new directory
> > and changed the Makefile, e.g.:
> (snip)
> > This works on FreeBSD-7 in a jail.
> that's good to know. thanks!
> (btw, what were your base JAIL buildworld make.conf specs for the
> dovecot-containing jail?  if you can share, please email me offlist
> ...)
> nonetheless, isn't it a bit ironic -- in this thread, anyway -- after
> being told "you're on your own" for using recommended/supported
> procedures, and barked @ for not using the standard port, that doing
> something completely unsupported, which works fortuitously, especially
> since there are some significant differences between v109 an v11bXXX,
> is deemed "like an excellent idea"?  lol.

I fail to see a contradiction. Frank described one very useful method
of testing a beta product derived from an existing FBSD port. I use
tinderbox myself, but that is irrelevant. If the OP had asked that
question on the FBSD forum, he might well have received a satisfactory
response also.

The OP, whom obviously is not fully aware of the build intricacies on a
FBSD system -- not that I claim to be either -- wanted Timo to invest
his time in building a custom product for him to test. Now that I
consider absurd.



Heisenberg may have been here.

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