On Mon, 2007-12-17 at 16:24 -0500, Mikhail Teterin wrote:
> Whenever I try to access an e-mail in the middle (rather than at the end) of 
> the mailbox, my mail-client (KMail) gets an error a message like this is 
> logged in the maillog:
> IMAP(mi): FETCH for mailbox INBOX UID 39641 got too little data: 4823 vs 4825
> IMAP(mi): Disconnected: Disconnected
> The actual numbers vary, but it is always X vs X+2

Do you have CR characters in the mbox file?

Does the patch below fix it? It makes it work the same way as before
1.0.8, but it's slower..

diff -r 2cedab21cd6d src/lib-storage/index/mbox/mbox-mail.c
--- a/src/lib-storage/index/mbox/mbox-mail.c    Thu Dec 20 23:01:04 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/lib-storage/index/mbox/mbox-mail.c    Thu Dec 20 23:11:39 2007 +0200
@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ static uoff_t mbox_mail_get_physical_siz
        } else {
                body_size = (uoff_t)-1;
+       body_size = (uoff_t)-1;
        /* verify that the calculated body size is correct */
        body_size = istream_raw_mbox_get_body_size(stream, body_size);

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