On Dec 13, 2007 4:36 AM, Marc Cuypers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andrew Garner schreef:
> >> Timo Sirainen schreef:
> >>> On Mon, 2007-12-03 at 14:36 +0100, Marc Cuypers wrote:
> >>>> When using dovecot for authentication of an SASL (postfix) request, i
> >>>> cannot use the allow_nets parameter.  The IP-address of the requester is
> >>>> not known in dovecot.
> >>>>
> >>>> I would like to allow sasl for certain users, others are not allowed to
> >>>> access via SASL.
> >>>> Some users can have access to imap and pop3 from certain IP-addresses.
> >>>>
> >>>> How could i combine this in then dovecot configuration?
> >>> Since Postfix doesn't send the IP to Dovecot, there isn't anything on
> >>> Dovecot's side you can do. You could try asking about this in Postfix
> >>> list.. Someone at least had a patch which allowed sending local IP to
> >>> Dovecot (http://marc.info/?t=119306971600010&r=1&w=2). Maybe it sends
> >>> remote IP as well.
> >
> > I wrote that patch.   It passes both endpoints (remote & local)
> > through to dovecot .    This lets you restrict smtp-auth just like
> > pop3 or imap using the remote IP.    In my case, I had played around
> > with a quick hack for doing per-ip realming (using the local IP) w/
> > dovecot-sql.
> Hi Andrew,
> Where can i find the patch?
> --
> Marc

Sorry for taking so long to respond.    Here's the patch, attached.
It's been tested against the Postfix 2.3/2.4 series, but not the 2.5.x
"non-production"/development series.    People have reported success
on Postfix 2.4.6+.     I'm not sure that it'll get accepted for the
stable series, and I need to clean it up for 2.5 (which changed the
dovecot xsasl plugin somewhat).    I'll try to work on getting it
integrated, since there seems to be some interest and no one else has
submitted a better/any_other patch.

Attachment: postfix_dovecot_xsasl_liprip.patch
Description: Binary data

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