
Thanks for the advice, but that didn't quite work.  It's worth noting that
if I call sendmail manually, the message goes through w/o a problem.  It
only seems to be when the antispam plugin calls sendmail that we run into a


On 12/10/07, Jim Horner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Monday 10 December 2007 15:10:05 Justin Refice wrote:
> > > And that's it.  I never hear from the plugin again, regardless of how
> > > many times I create/delete the SPAM folder, or how many times I
> move/copy
> > > into/out of the folder.  The plugin is basically silent.
> > >   I don't see the mails being sent/recieved, so I'm assuming that's it
> > > isn't doing anything at all.
> > >
> > > I can manually use the training addresses, so I know they're working.
> > > Any help would be appreciated.
> I do not know if this will help you or not but for some reason I could not
> use
> sendmail. The training emails looped forever. My setup is probably weird
> but
> I was able to get around the problem by using mailx:
>     antispam_mail_spam = spam-%u
>     antispam_mail_notspam = notspam-%u
>     #antispam_mail_sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail
>     antispam_mail_sendmail = /usr/bin/mailx

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