> Oh. I missed that.
> I had a look at your plugin, quite some time ago, and did not think  
> you would have modified it in such a way.


> I should definitely give it a look; how to you figure out where the  
> mail comes from?

TBH, I forgot :) The code can be browsed here:

> > No, but I'm using spam as an example of how your plugin could be
> > generalised to work the same as mine with a different configuration. It
> > seems to me that you only consider use cases that depend on the target
> > folder while my generalisation was to make it depend on the pair
> > (source, target).
> I did not think it would be possible to use the (source,target) pair  
> at the storage level. Now that I understand your proposal a little  
> better, I think it looks like a good idea.



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