Timo Sirainen wrote:
v1.1.0 is finally getting closer, so it's time to start planning what
happens after it. Below is a list of some of the larger features I'm
planning on implementing. I'm not yet sure in which order, so I think
it's time to ask again what features companies would be willing to pay

OK, I would like to sponsor Dovecot for three months for $1,000/month

I am just a small business and this is basically coming straight out of my own paycheck, but we use the product internally and I like it and would like to see it continue to develop at the rate it has done.

Although this is just a small token of my appreciation, I hope that other businesses who are using dovecot will step up and at least match this contribution. It's less than the price of a small Exchange Server setup and has oh so much more potential

I have some minimal requests for what I would like to be developed during that period, but largely the pledge is without strings and you can develop as you wish. I will add a note on the Roadmap thread with my thoughts

Thanks for writing Dovecot. Please contact me offlist and let me know how you want the sponsorship delivered (Paypal is fine but sometimes expensive for the receiver). I hope others will step up and increase this substantially


Ed W

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