On Sat, 2007-12-08 at 10:21 +0000, Adrian Barker wrote:
> We recently moved all our users from the Washington IMAP server to
> Dovecot. There has been a substantial improvement in performance, but
> some users are reporting duplicate messages, and we see 'Stale NFS file
> handle' errors in the syslog. Does anyone know what would cause this ?
> The errors relate to the index file, eg.
> Nov 29 00:49:47 imap-e.ucl.ac.uk dovecot: [ID 107833 mail.error]
> IMAP(ccaazzz): close() failed with index
>  file /home/ccaazzz/imap-mail/.imap/mbox/dovecot.index: Stale NFS file
> handle
> Our IMAP servers (5 of them) are a mixture of Sparc Solaris 8 and
> Solaris 10 machines, using NFS to a central mailspool running on
> AIX. We are using a mixture of Dovecot 1.0.3 and 1.0.5.

Have you read http://wiki.dovecot.org/NFS? v1.0 still has some problems
with NFS if you try to access the mailboxes from multiple servers at the
same time. I've done a lot of work on v1.1 to get this working right.

I'd suggest either

a) Move index files to local disks

b) Try how v1.1 works with mail_nfs_*=yes settings. I'm going to make
the first v1.1 "release candidate" soon, maybe within a few days. Beta10
still has one performance issue unfixed, so might not be a good idea to
use that yet. :)

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