> But it's slow.  Especially with bulk moves

True. I use crm114 now which is a lot faster :)

>  - I had users complain about 
> this so often that I ended up moving to DMT style batch processing using 
> the code here:
> http://members.plug.org.au/~linuxalien/dokuwiki/projects:dovecot-mysql-dspam-plugin

Right. I have a backend for my plugin using the dict API, but
unfortunately the dict API is broken enough to not work. If you want to
implement a mysql backend rather than that plugin I'd take a patch and
commit it to my plugin. That above plugin is based on an older version
of mine that directly overrides the COPY command which is less flexible
and much harder to do for 1.1.

> Users are happy - it's fast, and let's be honest - the majority of users 
> really don't care if there's some transient error with the spam 
> classifier, they just find it confusing.  And if there are errors, you 
> can have them reported by the daemon or cron job that processes the 
> batch data.

True as well.


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