Hello! I saw your post to the mailing list (http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2006-January/010968.html) where you write "A description for pine with imap acces without entering any password is also discussed.", but I didn't find such description in this post.
Would you be so kind to point me to some source where it is explained - currently users have to insert the password twice - when they open the shell window and when they start Pine. Another question - may be you can help me: Currently we use Pine with IMAP (dovecot); both INBOX and folder collection are saved on the Linux server. But how to save the "saved-messages" and "sent-mail" folders in the user's home directory on the server? Thank you for help, -- _________________________________________________________ | Israel Bravo Unix system administrator | The faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management, | Technion, 32000 Haifa, Israel | Phone: 972-4-829-4428 http://ie.technion.ac.il/~bravo/ |________________________________________________________
begin:vcard fn:Israel Bravo n:Bravo;Israel org:Technion;IEM faculty adr:;;;Haifa;;32000;Israel email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED] title:UNIX system administrator tel;work:04-829-4428 tel;fax:04-829-4564 url:http://ie.technion.ac.il/~bravo/ version:2.1 end:vcard